I feel like I should be doing for more productive-type stuff during my little sabbatical from employment. I spend most of my days clutching whichever body part aches the most, eating starchy carbohydrate-laden foods, and sitting in front of the television with my jaw hanging agape.
Today, I am clutching my bruised ribs and festering over DSW's gall to send me a "free suede bag with $50 purchase" coupon. Had I have been the recipient of a steady paycheck, I would be all gung-ho about buying yet another pair of black shoes just to fulfill the coupon requirement...not that I need another purse at all. I am forcing myself to deposit this coupon into the nearest trash receptacle.
I should probably start working on my birth plan. For those of you lacking wombs or the desire to fill yours with little flailing arms and legs, a birth plan is basically a document a pregnant woman writes up to express to her ob/midwife/whoever and to the hospital staff what her expectations are for the delivery. It's my understanding that most facilities will accomodate you as much as possible (within reason), but nobody is going to do a line-by-line audit of every detail. I really just want to make one to make sure that I start thinking ahead about what I potentially want to happen.
For example, a specific item I could delineate would be "I do not wish to be given an I.V. because I want to be able to walk around during labor," or "I would like my baby placed on my chest immediately after delivery."
I really need to sit down and see what my hospital is willing to do and sort of pencil in my expectations around that. I'll get that done right after my next nap. And a bowl of pasta.
Posted by Tiffany at October 3, 2006 12:35 PM | TrackBack