I'm exhausted. I mean bone tired. My second trimester was too short. They said that was supposed to be the "honeymoon" of the pregnancy where I'd have energy and would feel great! I'd get stuff done! I'd clean my house! Truth was that it wasn't until I was around 4 1/2 months along that the nausea and headaches went away. A month and a half later, I'm into the third trimester and the fatigue has set in again.
Dude - I was sitting at my desk at around 1 o'clock pulling up some maps for work, listening to Dick Gordon on the radio. I thought to myself, "let me just close my eyes for thirty seconds." I leaned my head against the wooden back of the chair and proceeded to sleep sitting upright for an hour.
I woke up when I started having dreams about laying on the cat hair-covered rug to get a better stretch.
Posted by Tiffany at August 21, 2006 02:08 PM | TrackBack