July 08, 2006

Crappy = Cranky

Even though I slept away most of yesterday, I still had room in my sleep tank for another eight hours or so. I turned the t.v. off at around midnight last night and closed my eyes, fully expecting to fall asleep within 30 seconds like I always do.

Didn't work out that way.

Once I did get to sleep, I kept being woken up by random-ass body pains - leg cramps, round ligament pain, back pain, what have you. I was so pissed off at one point that I was going to knee Scott in the back just to relieve some angst (and to get him off my side of the bed). But alas, he was too close for me to get my foot up that high.

Next came the cats. I got good and comfortable at around 7:30 a.m., and the cats decided that wouldn't be satisfactory given that they hadn't been fed yet. So they proceeded to play hopscotch all over the bed until I decided that I had to pee bad enough to get up and feed them.

One bowl of Fruity Pebbles later and I'm still cranky. I feel like I need to go destoy something.

Posted by Tiffany at July 8, 2006 08:06 AM | TrackBack

you freak. you're always on my side. along with that big body pillow of yours.

i sleep on a 4" wide strip every night. ever notice why i am sleeping on my side? i don't even have room to sleep on my back.

so, scoot.

Posted by: scott at July 8, 2006 10:50 AM
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