Huh? Huh? What do ya think? Suitable for a little Tar Heel baby boy or girl AND a nice subliminal message that Dook sucks. And it's on sale. See that, Scott? It's on sale. So you won't remember how much you paid for it 7 months from now.
It might be good to have the baby sleep next to you for the first 6 months. Then you can always put your hand on her to reassure yourself she is ok, and, if you breastfeed, you can both sleep through a lot of it.
I had a little set of triangle pillows that my son slept between, ostensably to keep him healthily sleeping on his side (the style then, don't know what it is presently, seems to change every 5 years or so), but they kind of defined his place in the bed too.
The thing is to get her into her own crib by 6 months, or it will be very hard to get her out later.
Posted by: Edith at April 24, 2006 12:01 AM