Now that my computer monitor's screen faces a wall and since there's no one seated in my approximate proximity, I can basically spend my workdays whiling away the hours.
I'm tempted to bring in some of my dusty manuscripts and work on them between "pressing" incidents (or until some adult here decides they need help wiping their own ass/finding their stapler/what have you).
My work ethic is gradually disintegrating to nothingness. I've always been the kind of person who would come in every day, keep my head down, nose clean and work it like I'm someone important. Now that I've realized that hard work doesn't get rewarded in this hellhole, I don't feel particuarly obligated to do any.
My inbox is empty. The database is tidied. All I have left to do now is balance my checkbook. Maybe I'll do some blog surfing like smart people who sit in cubicles!
Or...I could start plastering my r�sum� all over town. Hmm.
Posted by Tiffany at January 24, 2006 01:08 PM | TrackBack...or all of the above! LOL
I usually spend time on eBay searching for random things... just to see if they're possibly for sale.
Our jobs sound a lot alike. I do get paid very well for not doing much though. So, maybe my complaint isn't really valid :-/.
Posted by: Sheron at January 24, 2006 07:40 PM