April 15, 2005

"I want a girl with an ass out to here."

While the cat licks herself, I have a few moments to discuss a very important issue with you.


That's right. Man-sluts. I work with one. He goes through women like Kleenex during a Hallmark Gold Crown movie.

He claims that he doesn't sleep with all those women, and he probably doesn't. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm just mindboggled at how many "dates" he goes out on with chicks that he throws away at the end of the night.

The big problem is that he has a very dominating personality...and he has a wish list of what he'd like to date. Yes, I said "what."

I need to figure something out here. I'm tired of his skanks calling the office with those sounds of hope and anticipation in the office.

Homeboy needs a hook-up. Stay tuned for a crazy idea.

Posted by Tiffany at April 15, 2005 05:39 PM
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