April 08, 2005


I paid off my Citi card a couple of months ago. I held my breath and paid them five times the minimum balance just to be done with it. I haven't heard diddly squat from them since them.


So, why do I get an e-statement today?

Of course I get paranoid and start wondering, "Is there some sort of termination fee I'm supposed to pay?" I didn't actually cancel the card because technically the account was already closed. That'll happen when you go over your balance for a couple of months and have them hounding you like you were Justin Timberlake and they were a groupie.

When I logged into the site, I see that I have a ($5.00) balance with my credit limit fully restored. I'm confused, because for, oh...four years (heh), my credit limit and available credit have been $0.00.

I know where that $5 came from. That's the $5 they owed me for converting to paperless billing, but didn't give me because my account was "closed." Now there's a "CONGRATS" item on my statement...fuckers.

I don't even have a card on this account anymore. I cut it up back in 2001. What that also means is that I don't know what the account number is, either.

I'd like to keep a card in my wallet for emergencies and for surprise medical expenses...but I'd have to see if I can get the balance lowered so I don't get myself in trouble. This would probably be a good opportunity to get my credit back in shape, too.

I'll need to ponder this over a beer.

Posted by Tiffany at April 8, 2005 05:10 PM | TrackBack
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