March 23, 2005

A legitimate excuse for the telemarketers: "I'm broke, bitch."

syringe.jpgI went to the doc for my post-op today. She seemed genuinely upset that I didn't call her after I left the hospital...I didn't know I was supposed to. Maybe she gets a lot of complainers calling the office begging for pills or something?

No new news, other than the fact that the injections that I have to get for six months are $400 a pop (no generics available). I think Blue Cross will pay 100% for that, but who knows. They may try to pull some shady shit and act like I can't read.

Blue Cross is going to pop a vein over this one--perfectly [otherwise] healthy 20-something that has already recieved more in insurance benefits for the year than she's ever paid. That'll learn them for jacking their rates up for us in the breeder age group--they should know we're going to try to get every penny back, even if we have to endure pelvic exams to do it.

Holy CRACKWHORE, Batman! I was typing this while waiting for my Blue Cross Blue Shield claims to load on their webpage and I had no idea that the anesthesiologist was going to bill separately. *jaw drops to floor*

Should I expect the little Leprechauns that were dancing in my head while I was under anesthesia to send me an invoice, too?

Fuckity fuck. I'm almost afraid to go to the mailbox.

Okay. Tiffany, be rational, find some perspective. You still have more student loan debt than you'll have from this little "vacation."

Posted by Tiffany at March 23, 2005 08:00 PM

I have found in the past that since you don't really have a choice of what Anesthesiology group to use, that it is always covered whether they are on your plan or not. When I got my gallbladder out they sent what I THOUGHT was a bill and freaked. I called the Anesthesiology group and the CEO himself told me not to worry that they bill the insurance company and are always paid and if not there is no charge to the patient, because as a patient, you don't have much choice but to BE anesthetized and the hospital chooses what company/s gets their contracts. (Phew, run-on sentence.) What I got in the mail was not a bill, just a notice of what was being billed to the insurance company for their services. Soooo, I would say that you PROBABLY don't have anything to worry about. I've never had BCBS, though. Good luck!

Also, how times have changed since Viagra... Your injections would probably NEVER have been covered in the "pre-blue pill days". They'd have covered 20 surgical procedures but not one lousy shot. Bastards.

Posted by: Momotrips at March 23, 2005 10:52 PM

Oh, get over it... just funning. Seriously, I hope you're well soon.

Hospital billing is a zoo. My last hospitilization in Greensboro brought me bills from doctors in Durham-- too screwey for me. Did they take me to Durham while they had me under? Why did they bring me back? Did a doctor come all the way from Durham? My doctor lives here in Greensboro. I donno.

Posted by: Billy The Blogging Poet at March 23, 2005 11:00 PM
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