January 12, 2005

Nothing is sacred.

They're at it again. 300 comment spams. And this is after I tweaked my comments to do forced preview.


This is getting less fun.

Posted by Tiffany at January 12, 2005 12:39 PM

Spammers are rather like rats or roaches...they always find a way in. My apologies to the rats and roaches for comparing them to spammers.


Posted by: wordweaver at January 12, 2005 12:56 PM

With the version of MT that you have, you can do the double whammy of MT plugins: MT blacklist and MT Close comments. Those 2 together will knock down a lot of the spam. Promise.

Posted by: Lisa at January 12, 2005 02:26 PM

ZERO spammers for me so far since CP Dave tweaked it. The only thing is to comment, one has to click PREVIEW first... something to do with // HASH-MARKS.


Posted by: Keeme at January 12, 2005 02:32 PM

We've got both MT Blacklist and MT CloseComments installed here. MT Blacklist should already be kicking for you, right? MT CloseComments is very easy too. Just put a single line of code in your index template and it'll automatically close comments that are over a certain number of days old. The instructions are right here.

I set mine to close anything older than a month that was inactive for 7 days and my spam load has been a trickle since.

Let me know if you have any problems implementing.

Posted by: Jim at January 13, 2005 08:25 AM

I agree with everyone else. Get the MT Close Comments. I won't bore you with the 'upgrade to EE' line because *I* can't afford to upgrade to EE, so MTCloseComments it is. Very simple. VERY effective. On Occasion, I'll get a spam comment from some desperate asswipe who's exhausted my archives and decided to just leave it in the first active entry on my page. LOL.

I'm noticing now, though, that they're targeting my Zonkboard. Wish I knew a way around THAT, because I like my board.

Posted by: Asherah at January 15, 2005 10:03 AM