What's in my purse?
Geekgrrl wants to know what in our purses.

In my own defense, I usually have more than one of things because I'm batty and prematurely senile and think that I don't have it in there already. Besides that, I believe that the more something occurs in da purse, the more likely I am to find it while driving.
Wallet, with obligatory license, student i.d. card, debit card, etc.
Check book (in preparation for the day that the swipe strip on my debit card wears out).
Hand mirror from the Old Navy discount bin a couple of years ago.
Burt's Bees hand salve, for those winter days when your hands are ashy as hell and lotion is a sick sick joke.
Vivarin (just in case I want to stay awake in class one day).
Two gel pens and a Sharpie (people love being around me in lines. They know I have to have a pen in my purse somewhere).
Marlboro Lights box--soft packs get crushed in my purse (non-mentholated).
Natural Ice sunscreen/lip protectant: wow. I think I bought this pre-band camp like 6? years ago. It's very pungent--makes my eyes water, so I use it only when I can't find anything else in my purse.
Bath & Body Works Beautiful By Nature Jewel Finish Lip Polish in "Crimson Canyon" (more like "stank hussy red" on me, but I use a light hand with it).
CG Lipslicks in "demure." (ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!)
key chain with every membership/discount card known to the triangle (including Chapel Hill Tire but they sure as hell don't give any damn discounts).
cell phone.
Posted by Tiffany at November 26, 2003 12:24 AM